Monday, November 9, 2009

Photo Assignment 6: Event

This weekend I went to the Michigan Football Game and took pictures. It was a perfect day to take pictures, to bad Michigan lost. :( It was difficult to get a good quality picture because I had to have it on an aperture that would let in the right amount of light, but at the same time I had to have a really fast shutter speed to capture the motion.

ISO- 80
Aperture- 5.5 f/stops
Exposure- 1/250 sec


  1. Nice Photo! I like how close it feels and the sharpness of the image in general. Good Job!

  2. Great picture! I really think that you captured 'event' really well, and a little bit of motion too. Good job! :) But yeah too bad Michigan lost :(

  3. Nice action shot. Although, I do not approve of the U of M subject. Nice job though.

  4. This is a really good shot! I think its cool how everything in the photo is very crisp and clear. Good job :)

  5. Great picture! I like how its crisp and clear. It's a great action shot. Nice job!

  6. I really like this photo. It shows a lot of good action. Great Job.

  7. Good job taking it at a football game. Its really interesting, good job getting the motion:)

  8. I like the photo it is really clear, but Michigan isnt really that great ;) sorry MSU all the way.
